Am I Being Shady?

I admit it. I work on this blog at work. I get my other stuff done, I’ve been teaching for over ten years, I can use my time efficiently-lesson plan, write IEPs, do my other paperwork, and work on this blog. But is it ethical? Probably not. Is it necessary? With all the other things that I need to do to run a home and a two-year-old who is obsessed with the forbidden computer, I would say yes.


But here’s my rationale. I’m a mentor teacher and a few days ago I went to a mentor’s meeting. The big push is on reflective questioning, reflecting and being mindful of why you do what you do. I would argue that this blog helps me do this. I reflect on my practices and write about them, the inclusion of photographs really helped with my last post. I try not to use it anymore to vent about colleagues and students although I certainly could. It’s become a part of my day, with my morning coffee, I blog. And yes, I write about home, but being a mother and a wife has become so much of a part of how I teach now. Am I hoping this blog leads to some sort of writerly career change? Yes, but I still teach and I teach well. And I’m hoping this blog helps me to continue to do that.